When it comes to remote training, we are years ahead of the crowd.

First and foremost we are a neurofeedback practice, not a software company. We built our software to fit our own needs for actual clients and therapists in real field situations.

As our fleet of remote systems expanded so did our software development, until our every need was covered.

With the onset of CoVID-19, the need for quality remote training is immediate. We pushed forward changes for public licensing, and worked day and night till it was done.

If you would like to know more about us and our practice, visit our clinic website here →

The long road

Being the first to pioneer this method we had to work it out from scratch. It's been a ten year road to get us here.

  • 2009
    With a few years of clinical experience behind us, we saw that remote work would have advantages. With no working models to follow we started working out what might work in practice and what wouldn't.
  • 2010
    Our first training system (2 sensor BioExplorer based system) was simply too complex for home use and carried too much room for error. Back to the drawing board.
  • 2011
    Our second try solved the complexity issue, but overall was too simple to be effective. These fist two categories are where home systems remain stuck today – too complex for a client to operate, or too simple to get the job done.
  • 2013
    Having developed a better understanding of the requirements of professional remote training, we developed the world’s first 19ch remote training platform. using NeuroGuide training software as our base.
  • 2014
    We launched our one-to-one 'Home Clinic' option to our clients, using remote desktop and audio/video link. There were still plenty of shortcomings to resolve, it was often rather choppy, but we were up and running with clients in the field.
  • 2016
    With our home service growing and a better understanding of what could be improved, we came up with a dedicated work space for clinicians and a straight-forward interface for clients. It helped, but there was still a long way to go.
  • 2017
    With a solid understanding of our needs and challenges, we started again from scratch with new interfaces, security compliant data handling, therapist auto-assist features for slow net speeds, running system checks and safety features.
  • 2019
    Building on our semi-automated foundation, we began developing a full set of checks and automation tools. We designed and built our own impedance meter and secure web-streaming feedback player, as nothing else would do.
  • 2020
    By January we had built in every want or need our therapists or clients had over the previous three years, and developed Ana (the Automated Neurofeedback Assistant). Field testing was completed just as Italy was hit with the virus.
Software features
We have thought of everything. Full software features here.
Build your remote neurofeedback platform
Visit our London clinic and remote service website
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If you have any questions we're happy to help